Come and See is a twenty-five lesson evangelistic study of the Bible that presents the gospel of Jesus Christ by explaining the overall narrative of the Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. It is for those who are interested to explore what the Bible has to say about who God is—His revelation and His claims about Himself. It is for those who want to find out more about Christianity.
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Come and See is now available in German.
Come and See
is related to Interlocked
Come and See was developed to address a specific need among believers. Often, when the topic of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ is discussed, many believers express keen interest in wanting to share the gospel with their loved ones and friends. However, they typically raise three concerns:
I don’t know enough about the Bible.
I don’t know how to answer tough questions.
I don’t know how to share the gospel message.
To help address concerns #1 and #2, Interlocked was developed. It helps believers understand God’s Word holistically and addresses common tough questions that people have.
And to help with concern #3, Come and See was developed. Its content is based on Interlocked, so those who have gone through Interlocked should immediately be familiar with Come and See.
The prayer and hope is that once believers have gone through Interlocked, they would feel more comfortable and confident in sharing the gospel with a loved one or friend by taking them through Come and See. They can do a one-on-one study, lead a small group or simply read the notes together with a friend.
It’s 25 lessons long
Come and See distills the content of Interlocked into 25 lessons. It takes about 25 weeks (of roughly an hour or so a session) to go through it.
The series should provide enough information about God and the gospel so that one can make an informed decision about Christ.
It explains not just the gospel, but the Christian life
Come and See also attempts to address another typical objection faced by believers when trying to share the gospel with their non-Christian loved ones.
There are people who are not interested to explore Christianity because of negative personal experiences they’ve had with some who claim to be Christians. These people say that if those churchgoers represent Christianity, then they want nothing to do with the God of the Bible or the church.
This study seeks to explain and clarify the Christian life and the difference between justification (saved from the penalty of sin) and sanctification (saved from the power of sin). It will explain how the Christian life is a journey of spiritual growth that believers in Christ have to intentionally participate in.
Overall, the intent is to encourage those who are willing to investigate Christianity to focus their attention on Yahweh—His revelation and His claims about Himself. People are encouraged to make a decision of faith based on God’s character and His Word rather than merely on the behaviour of Christians.

What’s in the course?
1. A good overview of the main message of the Bible from start to end.
Who wrote the Bible?
What does the Bible talk about?
Is the message relevant to people today?
2. An introduction to the God of the Bible.
Who is He and what is His name?
What is He like?
Does He have anything to do with mankind?
Does He relate to mankind?
3. The Bible’s perspective on mankind.
What does the Bible say about mankind?
What is the purpose of mankind?
What is the meaning of life?
Why are there problems of suffering, evil and death?
Does the Bible provide any solution to mankind’s problems?
4. An understanding of who Jesus Christ is.
Who is the Jesus of the Bible?
When did He live and what was His life like?
How did He die?
What happened after He died?
Why should His life, death and what happened after matter to mankind?
5. An explanation of what a Christian is.
What is a Christian?
How are Christians supposed to live?
Why are some Christians so different from other Christians in the way they live and behave?
6. What the Bible says is going to happen in the future.
What is the future of the world like?
What is the future of mankind?
Will the world continue on in this same current way forever?

Course Materials
To go through Come and See, the lesson notes and a Bible are needed.
The lesson notes present one big and continuous narrative. They are meant to be used in sequence without missing or skipping over any sessions. The content of each lesson builds upon all the previous lessons.
The notes are free and available as PDF documents which can be downloaded.
3. Why There is Evil in the World — Part 1
4. Why There is Evil in the World — Part 2
5. God Judged the Evil World — Part 1
6. God Judged the Evil World — Part 2
7. God’s Plan to Reach the World — Part 1
8. God’s Plan to Reach the World — Part 2
9. God Revealed His Standards — Part 1
10. God Revealed His Standards — Part 2
11. God Taught About Himself — Part 1
12. God Taught About Himself — Part 2
13. How God’s People Failed — Part 1
14. How God’s People Failed — Part 2
15. God’s Rescue Plan — Part 1
16. God’s Rescue Plan — Part 2
17. The Saviour’s Work — Part 1
18. The Saviour’s Work — Part 2
21. How the World Ends — Part 1
22. How the World Ends — Part 2
For teachers or facilitators who wish to use PowerPoints in their groups or classes, the full set of PowerPoints is available as a .zip file.
All participants should have a copy of the Bible. The session notes use The New Living Translation as the main Bible version because of its easy-to-read English. However, any Bible version can be used.
While a physical copy is preferable, free online Bibles from sites like Bible Study Tools are fine as well.
There are also Bible apps that can be downloaded to a mobile device like the YouVersion Bible app.

Inviting a friend
To invite friends to find out more about Come and See, direct them to visit the dedicated website. They can learn more about the study and also download the sessions notes.
There are different ways your friend can use Come and See.
On their own
They can go through the study on their own. They can download the session notes from the Come and See website and read through them. If they have questions, they can fill in the contact form.
With a believer
You can lead a study with your friend, discussing the content as you go along.
Or your friend can read the lessons independently and then connect with you to clarify or discuss questions after each session, or after a certain number of sessions.
In a class
Your friend can join a group or class where another believer is leading the study.
They can inquire about class schedules via the Come and See website contact form.
You are welcome to accompany your friend to this class.
Come and See courses are currently available via Zoom and in-person.

Come and See is designed for those who know nothing about the Bible but are willing to spend time to investigate. No prior knowledge about God or the Bible is assumed.
Yes. Believers, especially new believers, or young-in-the-faith believers, will also benefit from the Genesis to Revelation structure of the study. In particular, it provides information on how to live the disciple’s life.
Believers who have gone through Interlocked should be able to lead a Come and See study as they will be familiar with the content. It is highly recommended that the one leading the study be familiar with Interlocked as it will enable him or her to answer questions and respond well to comments.
No. The session notes need to be used in sequence as the content of each session builds upon all the previous ones. The study follows God’s progressive revelation in history and so should be done in sequence.
It is strongly recommended to go through Interlocked first, as that curriculum gives the leader the depth of knowledge and the overall biblical structure needed to lead Come and See well.
Both the leader and participants need copies of the session notes (physical copies or the PDFs). A physical Bible is also recommended as one of the aims is to get the participant familiar with the Bible. Alternatively, a Bible app can be used.
No. The leader and the participant use the same session notes. This makes leading the study easier. The instructions for the leader are found in the session notes.
The leader should go at a pace that is comfortable for the participants. The leader can decide to stop at any convenient point in the notes and pick it up at the next session.