Audio Class
The audio recordings from our ongoing Fall 2023 Interlocked class are being progressively made into podcast episodes. You can follow the class at your own pace by listening to the recordings.
While all the lesson notes are available, each audio recording will be uploaded once the lesson has been taught. Each lesson is about two hours long. Feel free to listen to each lesson in shorter segments if it better suits your needs.
Do note that we do not always finish going through one set of lesson notes in a single recording session. This is because we take the lesson at the pace that best suits the class. This means you might need to listen to more than one audio recording in order to cover a set of lesson notes.
You will notice that some audio recordings are longer than two hours. This is because there is after-class Q&A as well. Listening to the after-class Q&A is optional. Some sessions do not include the after-class Q&A, either because no additional questions were asked, or the questions were personal in nature.
Occasionally, we may refer to other resources in the lessons. You can access these resources below.
Should you have questions, please feel free contact us.
Finally, the Interlocked lesson notes here are in PDF. You may download all the lessons as a single .zip file from OneDrive.
May God bless your journey with Him as we go though the Bible together!
The audio recordings are listed with each lesson below. You can also listen to the them on:
Podcastle (works best on Chrome)
Course Details
(This explains what the course is about. This is typically shared with those considering joining a class. There is no audio-recording for this.)
Overview of Interlocked
(This lesson gives an overview of the entire series. We like to call it Lesson 0.)
Audio [Also on: Apple Podcasts | Spotify]
Module 1: The Beginning
Audio Part 1 [Also: Apple | Spotify]
Audio Part 2 (ends at 23:00)
Article: New York parent seeks OK to marry their own adult child - New York Post
Article: What’s a “throuple” - NBC News
Audio (start at 23:00)
Article: New York Times once said airplanes would take 10 million years to develop - Big Think
PDF: Radiometric dating
Article: Ancient stone markers warned of tsunamis - CBS News
Article: Lasting lessons from Mt St Helens - Answers in Genesis
Picture: Rock with marine fossils
Powerpoint in PDF: Excerpt of Barna research on young adults
Book: Inside Noah’s Ark
Audio Part 1 [Also: Apple | Spotify]
Audio Part 2 (ends at 25:00)
Paper: Can Christians eat blood or blood products?
Paper: An eye for an eye?
Paper: Do aliens exist?
Article: Why this professor’s climate-crisis solution is rankling Twitter - Yahoo News
Article: Climate change causing high “psychological distress” among teens and young adults - Yahoo News
Article: Some women are choosing to not have kids because of concerns about the planet - Vice News
Article: When the Thames froze over - The little ice age Thames frost fairs - Just History Posts
Additional Reading:
1. Climate Change Facts: Should We Be Concerned? - Answers in Genesis
Audio Part 1 (start at 25:00)
Audio Part 2 (ends at 1:19:00)
Article: Which of Noah’s three sons did the Chinese descend from - Bible.org
Article: Genesis according to the Miao people - The Institute for Creation Research
Article: Do races differ? Not really, DNA shows - The New York Times, 2000
Article: Why experts recommend ditching racial labels in genetic studies - Science News, 2023
Powerpoint in PDF: Apemen - Chinese from Ham
Powerpoint in PDF: Explaining skin tones
Books on Chinese characters:
1. “The Discovery of Genesis” by C H Kang and Ethel R Nelson
2. “Genesis and the Mystery Confucius Couldn't Solve” by Ethel R Nelson and Richard E Broadberry
(8 lessons)
Module 2: The Birth of Israel
Audio Part 1 (start at 30:00)
Audio Part 2 [Also: Apple | Spotify]
(12 lessons)
Module 3: The Kingdom of Israel
Audio Part 1 (starts at 32:50)
PDF: Maccabees Quotations
Audio Part 2 [Also: Apple | Spotify]
Audio Part 3 (ends at 1:05:00)
(11 lessons)
Module 4: The King Arrives
Audio Part 1 [Also: Apple | Spotify]
Article: Two articles on eruv lines
Audio Part 2 (ends at 1:02:02)
Audio Part 1 (Starts at 22:07)
Audio Part 2 [Apple | Spotify]
Paper: Predestination
Audio Part 3 (Ends at 55:00)
(8 lessons)
Module 5: The Delay of the Kingdom
Audio Part 1 [Apple | Spotify]
Audio Part 2 [Apple | Spotify]
Audio Part 3 [Apple | Spotify]
Paper: Walk by the Spirit
Paper: The “One Another” Commands
Module 6: The Return of the Kingdom
47. Overview of the End
48. The Tribulation of Israel Begins
49. The Trumpet Judgments
50. The Beasts & The Bowl Judgments
51. The Kingdom of Man Destroyed
52. The Kingdom of God
53. Faith in Action IV: Evaluating biblical statements
54. Faith in Action V: Evaluating the pagan worldview
55. Faith in Action VI: Standing strong in our faith
(9 lessons)
Supplementary Lessons
Supplementary lessons are not part of the main Interlocked curriculum but provide additional material for classes or groups seeking more information on a particular topic. The following supplementary lesson will be used after Lesson 44. It provides an overview of the history and growth of the church from the 2nd to 20th centuries, with a focus on how a number of the major denominations began.
44A - Supplement - Where did all the Christian denominations come from?