This children’s edition of Interlocked is meant for adults who have gone through Interlocked (or are familiar with the Bible Framework curriculum), and who want to teach children the same content. The lessons have been designed for 10–12 year-olds, but have also been used among 7–9 year-olds. This series was specifically written for home teaching, for those who have flexibility of time with their young charges.
A note from the writers
Hello friends. We are the husband and wife writing team for Interlocked as well as Interlocked Children’s Edition. As Christians started using Interlocked, common questions we received were, “How can we teach this to our young children?”, “How can we equip our children with the biblical worldview?” and “How can we equip our children to stand firm in the faith in the face of all the different worldviews they encounter?”
The heartbeat of the adults and parents for the children in their lives was to share what they learnt from Interlocked with their little charges.
It was from this request that Interlocked Children’s Edition was developed for home teaching.
This children’s curriculum follows the exact narrative flow of Interlocked. This was done by design, so that any adult familiar with Interlocked would feel right at home teaching the children’s edition.
In order to keep in line with Interlocked, the children’s lessons do not follow typical conventions of a children’s curriculum. For example, in order to teach the same concepts to elementary-aged children, many of the lesson points of Interlocked had to be taught in an expanded way so that a child would understand. Each lesson (apart from the Overview) is broken into sections of varying lengths depending on the topic. This means the children’s lessons are not uniform in lesson length. Instead, our priority was to teach each topic as completely, clearly, carefully and slowly as possible, while catering to children of elementary school age.
Our hope and prayer is that adults and caregivers of elementary-aged children who still have approximately six to eight years at home would be able to use this series as “on-going biblical conversation and training” at home. We pray that this series will help increase conversations about God at home. Indeed, we pray it will help make conversations about God, His Word and His perspective on life matters, a core part of family life.
Depending on the different family dynamics and needs, adults can choose how many sections of a lesson they would like to teach at one sitting.
For example:
One group may want to have a 20-minute session each time, as a daily bible time. So the adult might choose to teach just one section each time. This means it might take four sessions to finish one Interlocked Children’s Edition lesson.
Another group might want to have a 40-minute session. This means each session will cover two or three sections. This would take about three sessions to finish a lesson.
Yet another group has children who are able to have 1-hour Bible study sessions. In this case, each session can go through more sections of a lesson. This group might finish a lesson in two sessions.
In fact, week-on-week, the adults have the flexibility to vary this. They can decide how many sections to cover at each session and how long each session would be. On a typical week, they might do 40-minute sessions each weekend. Then during the school vacation time, they might choose have 1-hour sessions. During extra busy school weeks, they might attempt 20-minute sessions. It’s flexible.
This allows groups to make adjustments based on time restrictions and attention spans of the children.
Because the curriculum is designed for a home setting, it’s fine to take more time to go through the series.
While this approach is not conventional, we would like to extend the invitation to those who are keen to try it out at home.
If you are looking to use this series at Christian schools or Sunday schools, you are welcome to adapt the lessons to work for your specific situation.
One more point to note. This series is still a work in progress. The first module has been completed and is available now. For many families and groups, this first module would take approximately five to six months to complete (if taught as weekly lessons). Hence, we had decided to make the lessons available now. We will continue to post new lessons regularly as we complete them. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us.
- Amos and Jen
Interlocked Children’s edition is directly related to Interlocked.
The children’s lessons follow the content and lesson numbers of the main Interlocked series so the adult teacher will already be familiar with the lesson content.
Either Interlocked or the Bible Framework series is the “training” required before teaching this children’s curriculum. Interlocked acts as the “teacher's guide”, so adults should review the related Interlocked lesson before teaching the children's edition.
If you have not yet gone through Interlocked or Bible Framework but you are keen to get an overview of what the Children’s Edition covers, you are welcome to read the Overview of Interlocked.
Or see all the Interlocked lessons.

Course Materials
Each lesson includes: (1) Lesson notes for the teacher (2) Lesson PowerPoint (3) Child’s Worksheet and (4) Lesson Printouts (where applicable as not all lessons have them).
(1) Lesson Notes in PDF
Adults will use these lesson notes to teach.
Before trying out the lessons, it is very important that you read this: Instructions for using the lesson notes.
(2) Lesson PowerPoint
The lesson PowerPoint can be screened on a computer, tablet, TV screen or projector.
(3) Child’s Worksheet in PDF
Children will have the worksheets to fill in as they follow along in the lesson.
(4) Printouts in PDF
Some lessons also come with separate printouts. These sheets are for the activities. Not all lessons will have them. Just a point to note: as these lessons are meant to be used in different settings, countries and economic situations, they have been simplified and streamlined so most people would be able to use them.
The Lessons
The lessons present one big and continuous narrative. They are meant to be used in sequence without missing or skipping over any sections. The content of each section builds upon all the previous content.
The notes are free and can be downloaded.
Each lesson’s files are packaged as a single .zip file and can be downloaded from a OneDrive folder.
Module 1: The Beginning
1. Origin of the Divine Institutions
2. Pagan View of Origins
3. Consequences of the Fall
4. Three Responses to the Pagan Worldview
5. The Global Flood
6. The New World Covenant
7. Fill the Earth
8. Faith in Action I (Coming soon…)

It is primarily for those aged 10–12 years old who will be taught in a home setting.
It has also been used with those aged 7–9 years old although adults will have to use their discretion to judge if the younger children would be able to follow.
This Children’s Edition is meant for those who have already gone through Interlocked. It is also meant for those who are familiar with Charlie Clough’s Bible Framework series. Interlocked or Bible Framework is therefore the “training” required before teaching this.
There is one overview lesson and 55 lessons. These lessons are aligned to the Interlocked curriculum such that the content covered in each Children’s Edition lesson is similar to same numbered lesson in Interlocked.
However, note that one Children’s Edition lesson does not equate one teaching session. See the next FAQ.
There is no fixed length of time for each lesson. Rather, the series has been designed such that each lesson has been divided into several sections.
In this way, the adult can decide how long their study sessions will be. Then based that time, the adult can decide how many sections to cover during each study session.
The adult should determine the most appropriate length of time best suited for the child or children. Many adults choose between 40 minutes to an hour as a typical session length. Then they determine how many sections they would be covering in each session.
The leader should go at a pace that is comfortable for the children. The leader can also decide to stop at any convenient point in the notes and pick it up at the next session.
In this sense, lesson time is flexible.
No. The lesson notes need to be used in sequence as the content of each lesson builds upon all the previous ones. The study follows God’s progressive revelation in history and so should be done in sequence.
There is no separate leader’s guide. The Lesson notes PDF is the lesson guide. All instructions are found in these notes. (The main Interlocked series can be treated as the in-depth study guide as the children’s lessons are based on those.)
While it has not been designed in such a way, if teachers are willing to put in some effort to understand the series and then adapt it to another setting, they are welcome to do so.
For example, if a teacher would like to try it out at a Sunday school setting, or a classroom setting or a summer camp setting, they should feel free to try. In such cases, perhaps they can choose to do just the first module.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss adaptation ideas further, please contact us.
The lessons are free-of-charge. You may download them for your personal use.
Interlocked Children’s Edition is licensed under the Creative Commons Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. This means you can use and distribute the lessons for non-commercial purposes only. You cannot sell nor edit them.